Some one I know is building a permaculture garden. I had no idea what this was so looked them up on-line. The concept sounds good but what caught my attention was a herb spiral. We recently moved into a new house (new for us we didn't build it). It had a very big very weedy veggie patch. So after some hard work we had a very bare veggie patch. In this hot summer I have managed to get some beans to grow and they have flowers so fingers crossed they will give us a meal or two. The previous owners of our house left lots of bricks behind from when they built so I decided to put these to good use. I followed these instructions from tipnut the second video down was very helpful and I copied his method exactly.

My herb spiral used less than one bale of straw its amazing when you open it up how much it expands. Once I wet it down, we made holes in the straw to put the plant in. It makes a nice stable little basket for the plant I have started with some mint, oregano, thyme, sage and palsy. This was easier to do than we thought it would be.
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